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Psychological health and safety in the workplace 1: Making the case

This bulletin provides general information about the importance and benefits of addressing psychological health and safety in the workplace.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Psychological health and safety in the workplace 2: Barriers

This bulletin provides general information about barriers to psychological health and safety in the workplace, and how they can be overcome.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Preventing psychological hazards in the workplace: Barriers

This poster provides general information about barriers to psychological health and safety in the workplace.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Preventing psychological hazards in the workplace: Hazard assessment

This poster provides general information to help work site parties identify, eliminate, and control psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Preventing psychological hazards in the workplace

This postcard provides general information about the importance and benefits of addressing psychological health and safety in the workplace.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Mental health in the workplace: Part 2. Assessment and control of psychosocial hazards

This video provides general information to help work site parties identify, eliminate, and control psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

To view the YouTube video, click the "View resource" button below.
Click here to view the MP4 file.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Mental health in the workplace: Part 1. Introduction and definitions

This video provides general information about the importance and benefits of addressing psychological health and safety in the workplace.

To view the YouTube video, click the "View resource" button below.
Click here to view the MP4 file.

PUBLISHED: September 2022

Ventilation in the workplace

This bulletin explains how ventilation can help control the risk of harm from airborne contaminants in indoor workplaces.

PUBLISHED: December 2022

Working from home

This bulletin gives examples of occupational health and safety best practices for employers and workers who are working from home.

PUBLISHED: December 2022

Respiratory viruses: selecting respirators and masks

Gives employers information to help guide their selection of respirators and masks, when addressing the hazard of respiratory viruses in the workplace.

PUBLISHED: December 2022

Worker deconditioning following an absence from the workplace

Lack of activity can lead to a loss of fitness or ability, which can increase the chance of injury. Workers resuming work after a period away may need to take additional steps to limit the potential for injuries.

PUBLISHED: December 2022

2022 Change highlights: First aid – Part 11 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 11 (first aid) effective March 31, 2023. (For more on current first aid requirements, read First aid in the workplace.)

UPDATED: May 2023

2022 Change highlights: Managing control of hazardous energy - Part 15 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 15 (managing control of hazardous energy) effective March 31, 2023.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

2022 Change highlights: Noise exposure – Part 16 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 16 (noise exposure) effective March 31, 2023. (For more on current requirements related to noise exposure, read Noise at the work site.)

UPDATED: April 2024

2022 Change highlights: Overhead power lines and electrical utility workers – Parts 17 and 40 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 17 and 40 (overhead power lines and electrical utility workers) effective March 31, 2023.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

2022 Change highlights: Explosives – Part 33 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 33 (explosives) effective March 31, 2023.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

2022 Change highlights: Mining – Part 36 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 36 (mining) effective March 31, 2023.

PUBLISHED: March 31, 2023

2022 Change highlights: Oil and gas wells – Part 37 in the OHS Code

This resource gives an overview of 2022 changes to the OHS Code - Part 37 (oil and gas wells) effective March 31, 2023.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

2022 Change highlights: Miscellaneous amendments in the OHS Code

This bulletin introduces miscellaneous changes to the 2022 Occupational Health and Safety Code effective March 31, 2023.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

First aid in the workplace

Gives an overview of Alberta's first aid requirements, effective March 31, 2023.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

Охорона праці і техніка безпеки та внутрішня система відповідальності

(ENGLISH TITLE: Occupational health and safety and the internal responsibility system)

Пояснює принципи роботи внутрішньої системи відповідальності, що є основою законодавства про охорону праці та техніки безпеки Альберти.

ОНОВЛЕНО: квітень 2022

Небезпека послизання, спотикання та падіння у весняний період

(ENGLISH TITLE: Spring slips, trips, and falls)

Цей бюлетень містить інформацію для роботодавців і працівників про небезпеки, пов’язані з весняною погодою в Альберті.

ОПУБЛІКОВАНО: травень 2022

Поширені ризики, пов’язані з падінням

(ENGLISH TITLE: Common fall hazards)

Цей бюлетень містить інформацію для роботодавців і працівників про поширені небезпеки, пов’язані з падінням.

ОПУБЛІКОВАНО: травень 2022

Довідник з ОПіТБ: працівники

(ENGLISH TITLE: Guide to OHS: Workers)

Представляє законодавство про охорону праці та техніку безпеки з акцентом на те, що повинні робити працівники, щоб дотримуватися закону.

ОНОВЛЕНО: березень 2023

Harcèlement et violence en milieu de travail

(ENGLISH TITLE: Harassment and violence in the workplace)

Explications de ce que sont le harcèlement et la violence, et des obligations légales des employeurs en matière de protection des travailleurs.

MISE À JOUR : février 2023

Virus respiratoires et milieu de travail

(ENGLISH TITLE: Respiratory viruses and the workplace)

Les virus respiratoires, y compris ceux de la grippe et les coronavirus, peuvent être à l'origine de rhumes, de grippes saisonnières et d’éclosions de santé publique. Ce bulletin fournit aux employeurs, aux superviseurs et aux travailleurs des renseignements sur la réduction des risques liés aux virus respiratoires en milieu de travail.

MISE À JOUR : Décembre 2022

Harcèlement et violence au travail : modèles de prévention

(ENGLISH TITLE: Harassment and violence in the workplace: prevention templates)

Modèles de politiques et de procédures que vous pouvez personnaliser pour préparer vos plans de prévention du harcèlement et de la violence en milieu de travail. Format MS Word.

MISE À JOUR : février 2023

Potentially serious incident (PSI) email and letter - Frequently asked questions

This resource encompasses the most commons question asked in regard to PSI reporting.

UPDATED: April 09, 2024

Emergency response plan template

This is one example of an emergency response plan. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to suit your work site's emergency response planning requirements.

UPDATED: September 2024

Emergency contact list (template)

This is an example of an emergency contact list template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: September 2024

Emergency response drill record (template)

This is an example of an emergency response drill record template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: September 2024

Emergency response planning checklist (template)

This is an example of an emergency response planning checklist template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: September 2024

Emergency response training summary record (template)

This is an example of an emergency response training record template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: September 2024

Fall protection plan (template)

This template provides an example of a fall protection plan, and can be customized for use on work sites.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Retail fuel and convenience stores action plan (template)

This is an example of a template that fuel and convenience store employers can use to create an action plan. If you choose to use this template, make sure to customize it for your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: June 2018

Personal Emergency Transmitter Testing Log (template)

This is an example of a personal emergency transmitter testing log template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: June 2018

Retail fuel and convenience stores staff training record (template)

This is an example of a staff training record template for fuel and convenience stores. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: June 2018

Retail fuel and convenience stores video surveillance testing log (template)

This is an example of a video surveillance testing log template for fuel and convenience stores. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: June 2018

Harassment prevention policy (sample)

This is an example of a workplace harassment prevention policy. If you choose to use this sample policy, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Harassment prevention procedures (template)

This is an example of a harassment prevention procedures template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Hazard assessment and control report (template)

This is one example of a hazard assessment and control report template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Health and safety policy (sample)

This is one example of a health and safety policy. If you choose to use this sample policy, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Health and safety committee terms of reference (sample)

This is an example of health and safety committee terms of reference. If you choose to use this example, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Illness or injury record (template)

This is an example of an illness or injury record template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

UPDATED: March 31, 2023

Incident investigation report (template)

This is an example of an incident investigation report template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.


Violence prevention policy (sample)

This is an example of a workplace violence prevention policy. If you choose to use this sample policy, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Violence prevention procedures (template)

This is an example of a violence prevention procedures template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Work site inspection (template)

This is an example of a work site inspection template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023

Worker orientation record (template)

This is an example of a worker orientation record template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site.

PUBLISHED: March 2023