In December 2024, Alberta’s government made changes across the OHS Code requirements, including provisions related to violence and harassment prevention, explosives, and oil and gas wells. Starting March 31, 2025, work site parties must comply with these provisions. For highlights of the changes, select “OHS legislation change highlights” on the home page, then select “2024 OHS Code change highlights”.
***This resource describes new rules that came into effect in December 2024. Until March 30, 2025, work site parties can follow the new rules or the previous rules. (A resource explaining the previous rules is available here.) Starting on March 31, 2025, work site parties will need to comply with the new rules, which are explained in this resource.***
Information to help fuel and convenience store employers develop a violence and harassment prevention plan as required in Part 27 of the OHS Code. Includes an overview of all required elements in the plan but focuses on the additional requirements for retail fuelling outlets and convenience stores.
This zip folder holds MS Word versions of the four templates from the "Fuel and convenience store employer guide: violence and harassment prevention plan". Employers can customize these templates to their work and work site. Note that the templates are also available individually: see "Related resources" section below.
***This resource describes new rules that came into effect in December 2024. Until March 30, 2025, work site parties can follow the new rules or the previous rules. (A resource explaining the previous rules is available here.) Starting on March 31, 2025, work site parties will need to comply with the new rules, which are explained in this resource.***
This resource explains key legal requirements for preventing workplace violence and harassment. Focuses on the definitions of violence and harassment in the OHS Act, and requirements in Part 27 of the OHS Code.
This is an example of a violence and harassment prevention plan template. If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. MS Word format.
A handbook for young workers that includes information about occupational health and safety requirements, rights and responsibilities. Size 5.5" X 8.5 ".