Best practices, guides and manuals

In-depth information, often include practical tools such as checklists, step-by-step procedures, and other how-to information.

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Guide to OHS: Employers

Introduces OHS legislation with a focus on what employers need to do to comply with the law. Size 5.5" x 8.5".

For the most current version of this publication, please download the PDF below. You may also order an earlier version of this publication in print format, using the “Order Resource” button below.

UPDATED: October 2024

Guide to OHS: Supervisors

Introduces OHS legislation with a focus on what supervisors need to do to comply with the law. Size 5.5" x 8.5".

For the most current version of this publication, please download the PDF below. You may also order an earlier version of this publication in print format, using the “Order Resource” button below.

UPDATED: October 2024

Guide to OHS: Workers

Introduces OHS legislation with a focus on what workers need to do to comply with the law. Size 5.5" x 8.5".

For the most current version of this publication, please download the PDF below. You may also order an earlier version of this publication in print format, using the “Order Resource” button below.

UPDATED: October 2024

Occupational health and safety starter kit

***This resource is current to March 2024.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

This kit is designed to help employers with small or medium-sized businesses develop a health and safety program from the ground up, or strengthen their existing health and safety program, culture and performance. Gives information about some key health and safety requirements that apply broadly across all industries. Size 8.5" x 11".

UPDATED: March 2024

Hazard assessment and control: a handbook for Alberta employers and workers

This best practice handbook gives a step-by-step approach to formal hazard assessment that employers can customize to suit their business operations. It also introduces hazard assessment, elimination and control requirements in the OHS Code.

For the most current version of this publication, please download the PDF below. You may also order an earlier version of this publication in print format, using the “Order Resource” button below. Size 8.5" x 11".

UPDATED: October 2023

Leading Indicators for Workplace Health and Safety: A user guide

This best practices handbook describes how to use leading indicators to improve OHS outcomes.

For the most current version of this publication, please download the PDF below. You may also order an earlier version of this publication in print format, using the “Order Resource” button below. Size 8.5" x 11"

UPDATED: August 2020

Emergency response planning: an occupational health and safety tool kit

This kit gives employers information about some key occupational health and safety requirements related to emergency response planning. The kit also provides a step-by-step approach to planning that employers can customize to their own work site. Size 8.5" x 11".

UPDATED: September 2024

WHMIS 2015: Information for Workers

A detailed explanation of WHMIS requirements for workers. Size 8.5" x 11".

UPDATED: January 2022

WHMIS 2015: Information for Employers

A detailed explanation of WHMIS requirements for employers. Size 8.5" x 11".

PUBLISHED: June 2018

X–treme safety: Young worker's guide to safety and employment rules

A handbook for young workers that includes information about occupational health and safety requirements, rights and responsibilities. Size 5.5" X 8.5 ".

UPDATED: February 2025

Forklift Health & Safety Best Practices Guideline

***This resource is current to September 2014.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Best practices handbook to help employers fulfill their obligation to protect the health and safety of workers who operate or work around forklifts.

PUBLISHED: September 2014

Best Practices: Mould at the Work Site

***This resource is current to July 2009. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Basic information on mould, health hazards, mitigation, requirements for worker protection, safe work procedures, inspection criteria and applicable legislation.

PUBLISHED: July 2009

Occupational Health and Safety Practices: A Guide for Printers

***This resource is current to June 2012.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information about OHS legislation, hazard identification and control for employers in the printing industry .

PUBLISHED: June 2012

Best Practices on Conveyor Safety

***This resource is current to January 2003.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Best practices handbook that gives an overview of mechanical hazards associated with conveyors, with information about hazard assessment and reduction. Size 8.5" x 11".

PUBLISHED: January 2003

Driving for Work: Developing Safe Practices for Employers and Workers

***This resource is current to October 2010.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information on legal obligations, setting up a safe driving program and investigating incidents.

PUBLISHED: October 2010

Recommended Practices in Health and Safety: A guide for Building Owners + Managers

***This resource is current to August 2009.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information for most commercial building owners or managers to create a safe and healthy workplace for their staff while complying with OHS legislation.

PUBLISHED: August 2009

Health and Safety Tool Kit for Alberta Auto & Truck Dealerships

***This resource is current to February 2008.
For information on the current OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information for franchised auto and truck dealerships about OHS legislation, hazard identification and control.

PUBLISHED: February 2008

Safe Stages Best Practices

***This resource is current to Novemeber 2006.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information for Alberta's theatre industry about OHS legislation, hazard identification and control, and developing a health and safety policy.

PUBLISHED: November 2006

Fuel and convenience store employer guide: violence and harassment prevention plan

***This resource describes new rules that came into effect in December 2024. Until March 30, 2025, work site parties can follow the new rules or the previous rules. (A resource explaining the previous rules is available here.) Starting on March 31, 2025, work site parties will need to comply with the new rules, which are explained in this resource.***

Information to help fuel and convenience store employers develop a violence and harassment prevention plan as required in Part 27 of the OHS Code. Includes an overview of all required elements in the plan but focuses on the additional requirements for retail fuelling outlets and convenience stores.

UPDATED: March 2025

Best Practices Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Industry. Volume 1: Overview of Best Practices

***This resource is current to May 2011. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Highlights general health and safety issues in the healthcare environment. Volume 1 of 5 in a series of best practice handbooks for the healthcare industry.


Best Practices Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Industry. Volume 2: Best Practices for the Assessment and Control of Biological Hazards

***This resource is current to May 2011.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information to assist with identifying, assessing and controlling biological hazards in healthcare workplaces. Volume 2 of 5 in a series of best practice handbooks for the healthcare industry.


Best Practices Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Industry. Volume 3: Best Practices for the Assessment and Control of Chemical Hazards

***This resource is current to May 2011.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

A review of best practices for controlling exposure to chemical hazards in healthcare. Volume 3 of 5 in a series of best practice handbooks for the healthcare industry.


Best Practices Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Industry. Volume 4: Best Practices for the Assessment and Control of Physical Hazards

***This resource is current to May 2011.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Addresses key physical hazards that exist in the healthcare work environment. A companion to the No Unsafe Lift Workbook which addresses patient handling. Volume 4 of 5 in a series of best practice handbooks for the healthcare industry.

PUBLISHED: May, 2011

Best Practices Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety in the Healthcare Industry. Volume 5: Best Practices for the Assessment and Control of Psychological Hazards

***This resource is current to May 2011.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

A review of best practices for identifying and controlling work-related psychological stressors. Volume 5 of 5 in a series of best practice handbooks for the healthcare industry.


No Unsafe Lift Workbook

***This resource is current to January 1, 2008.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Provides a framework for healthcare employers to develop and implement comprehensive musculoskeletal injury prevention programs for their facilities.

PUBLISHED: January 1, 2008

A Physician’s Guide to Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities

***This resource is current to September 2008. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Information for physicians and their staff about creating a healthy and safe workplace for themselves, their co-workers and their employees, while complying with Alberta OHS legislation.

PUBLISHED: September 2008

Indoor Air Quality Tool Kit

***This resource is current to August 2009.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

A tool kit to help identify typical indoor air quality issues and suggest solutions to common problems.

PUBLISHED: August 2009

H2S: The Killer

***This resource is current to August 2012.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Lists the hazards for workers when working with H2S, suggested controls including protection and first aid, and employer and worker legislated responsibilities.

PUBLISHED: August 2012

Guidelines for the Handling of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Western Canada

***This resource is current to August 1995.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Guidelines for detection, classification, handling, transportation and waste management of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Developed by the Western Canadian NORM Committee.

PUBLISHED: August 1995

Working on ice: Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta

This resource is a guide to working safely on ice-covered bodies of water in Alberta.

UPDATED: December 2024

Alberta Asbestos Abatement Manual

***This resource is not yet updated with the current legislation. For information on the latest requirements, visit OHS legislation changes.***

Outlines how to select the most appropriate technique for safe abatement of asbestos-containing materials. Discusses health effects, legislation, personal protective equipment, sampling and analysis.

UPDATED: August 2019

Course Guidelines: Occupational Health and Safety for the Asbestos Worker

Summarizes the course content, worker re-certification and administrative procedure requirements for agencies approved to deliver the “Occupational Health and Safety for the Asbestos Worker” course.

UPDATED: April 2021

Best Practice: Working Safely in the Heat and Cold

***This resource is current to July 2014.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***

Explains the health risks associated with working in extreme heat and cold situations and suggested controls.

PUBLISHED: July 2014