Short resources that offer focused information on specific topics.
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***This resource is current to April 2006.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit
OHS website. ***
Discusses elements to consider when purchasing fire retardent clothing.
PUBLISHED: April 2006
***This resource is current to June 2012.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit
OHS website. ***
Discusses hazards that could cause eye damage and lists controls to protect the eyes.
PUBLISHED: June 2012
***This resource is current to August 2015.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit
OHS website. ***
Discusses the health effects of radon exposure, where radon may naturally occur, how to test for it and suggested controls.
PUBLISHED: August 2015
Discusses personal radiation exposure monitoring using dosimeters and lists effective dose limits. UPDATED: December 2021
Explains the meaning of working alone as defined in Alberta's OHS Code, as well as the legislated requirements for employers of workers working alone. UPDATED: July 2022
Hazards associated with spray application and suggested controls. PUBLISHED: August 2010
***This resource is current to August 2010.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit
OHS website. ***
Discusses the properties of benzene, health effects, health monitoring, preventative controls and recommended substitutes.
PUBLISHED: August, 2010
***This resource is current to March 2019. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit
OHS website .***
This bulletin describes the minimum standards to which a fire service must comply under occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation.
PUBLISHED: March 2019
This bulletin provides information about domestic violence as a workplace hazard. UPDATED: December 2021
This bulletin provides employers and workers with health and safety information about working in winter. UPDATED: December 2021
Explains the processes involved when a worker exercises their right to refuse dangerous work. Information for employers and workers. UPDATED: December 2021
October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 UPDATED: September, 2024
Explains the disciplinary action complaint process Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) follows. Includes what complaints OHS can accept, steps in the process and how to file a complaint. UPDATED: February 2022
Respiratory viruses, including influenza and coronaviruses, can cause common colds, seasonal flu and public health outbreaks. This bulletin gives employers, supervisors and workers information about controlling respiratory virus hazards in the workplace. UPDATED: December 2022
Acceptances and approvals are legislated tools that let OHS directors grant permissions under specific circumstances. This bulletin explains more about acceptances and approvals, including who can apply and how. PUBLISHED: December 2021
List of approved asbestos training agencies. UPDATED: September 2024
Outlines some of the hazards that can be introduced as a result of a flood and ways to address those hazards. UPDATED: May 2022
This resource provides health and safety information regarding debris cleanup and demolition of structures involved in wildfires. UPDATED: July 2023
This bulletin provides employers and workers with health and safety information about working in summer. UPDATED: December 2021
Fall protection plan information sheet for residential roofing. Contains a fall protection plan template. UPDATED: February 2023
Addresses winter slip hazard assessment and control. Includes pointers for supervisors and workers. PUBLISHED: November, 2020
Addresses winter trip hazard assessment and control. Includes pointers for employers, supervisors and workers. PUBLISHED: November, 2020
This bulletin outlines some common driving hazards and controls to help address those hazards. UPDATED: August 2022
This resource provides information on how and when vehicles are considered to be work sites in Alberta. UPDATED: June 2022
An overview on manual handling hazards and suggestions on how to address them. PUBLISHED: June 2021
Ergonomics training requirements for MSI hazard control. PUBLISHED: June 2021
Discusses musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs), what they are, how to identify them, and suggested controls. PUBLISHED: June 2021
This bulletin provides information to employers on steps to take if a worker reports an MSD. PUBLISHED: August 2021
This bulletin provides information to workers about steps to take when experiencing symptoms of an MSD. PUBLISHED: August 2021
This resource gives an overview of 2020 changes to the OHS Act, effective December 1, 2021. PUBLISHED: December 2021
Outlines OHS registration requirements for certain kinds of radiation equipment. Some example industries where designated radiation equipment may be found include Class 3b and Class 4 lasers, X-ray equipment, and particle accelerators. PUBLISHED: December 2021
What workers can expect when Alberta Occupational Health and Safety officers do inspections at work sites. Includes why and when officers show up, and how workers usually participate. PUBLISHED: April 2022
What employers can expect when Alberta Occupational Health and Safety officers do inspections at work sites. Includes why and when officers show up, how officers gather information, and how they document their interactions, observations and findings. UPDATED: April 2022
Summarizes key rights of employers in relation to Alberta OHS regulatory compliance. PUBLISHED: April 2022
This bulletin provides information to employers and workers on different types and uses of traction aids. PUBLISHED: May 2022
This bulletin provides information to employers and workers on fall protection systems. PUBLISHED: May 2022
This bulletin provides information to employers and workers on hazards related to spring weather in Alberta. PUBLISHED: May 2022
This bulletin provides information to employers and workers on common fall hazards. PUBLISHED: May 2022
This bulletin provides information to employers on engaging workers in slip, trip, and fall safety. PUBLISHED: May 2022
This bulletin provides information to employers on steps to take if a worker reports a slip, trip, or fall. PUBLISHED: May 2022
(ENGLISH TITLE: Psychosocial hazards in the workplace: Assessment and control) Renseignements sur les entraves à la santé et à la sécurité psychologiques en milieu de travail. MISE À JOUR : septembre 2022
(ENGLISH TITLE: Ergonomics in the workplace: Identifying and controlling manual handling hazards) Une vue d'ensemble des risques liés à la manutention manuelle et des suggestions sur la manière de les aborder. Publié : Juillet 2021
(ENGLISH TITLE: Ergonomics in the workplace: Identifying and controlling MSI hazards) Discute les blessures musculo-squelettiques (BMS), de ce qu'elles sont, de la manière de les identifier et des contrôles suggérés. Publié : Juillet 2021
(ENGLISH TITLE: Ergonomics in the workplace: MSI prevention training) Exigences de formation en ergonomie pour le contrôle des risques liés aux BMS. Publié : Juin 2021
(ENGLISH TITLE: Health and safety committees and representatives) Renseignements sur les comités mixtes de santé et de sécurité et sur les exigences en matière de représentation sur les lieux de travail en Alberta. MISE À JOUR : janvier 2023
(ENGLISH TITLE: Addressing workplace MSDs - How do I support workers who report a musculoskeletal disorder) Ce bulletin fournit des informations aux employeurs sur les mesures à prendre si un travailleur signale un trouble musculo-squelettique (TMS). Publié : Juillet 2022
(ENGLISH TITLE: Occupational health and safety and the internal responsibility system) Explique le fonctionnement du système de responsabilité interne comme base de la législation albertaine en matière de SST. Publié : Juillet 2022
(ENGLISH TITLE: Right to refuse dangerous work) Explique les processus impliqués lorsqu'un travailleur exerce son droit de refuser un travail dangereux. Informations destinées aux employeurs et aux travailleurs. Publié : Juillet 2022
(ENGLISH TITLE: Role and duties of Alberta OHS officers) Explique le rôle des agents de SST de l'Alberta dans le contrôle de la conformité à la législation sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Comprend un aperçu des autorités d'inspection et d'enquête, ainsi que des outils d'exécution. Publié : Juillet 2022
(ENGLISH TITLE: Addressing workplace MSDs - What to do if you experience musculoskeletal disorder) Ce bulletin fournit des informations aux travailleurs sur les mesures à prendre lorsqu'ils ressentent les symptômes d'un trouble musculo-squelettique (TMS). Publié : Juillet 2022