All resources
List of all resources.
Applying for an OHS acceptance or approval - application form
Use this form to apply for an OHS acceptance or approval.
PUBLISHED: December 2021
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PUBLISHED: December 2021
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Health and safety programs
Explains the legal requirement to establish and implement a health and safety program. Gives an overview of what a health and safety program can include.
UPDATED: January 2023
UPDATED: January 2023
Violence and harassment in the workplace
***This resource describes new rules that came into effect in December 2024. Until March 30, 2025, work site parties can follow the new rules or the previous rules. (A resource explaining the previous rules is available here.) Starting on March 31, 2025, work site parties will need to comply with the new rules, which are explained in this resource.***
This resource explains key legal requirements for preventing workplace violence and harassment. Focuses on the definitions of violence and harassment in the OHS Act, and requirements in Part 27 of the OHS Code.
UPDATED: March 25, 2025
This resource explains key legal requirements for preventing workplace violence and harassment. Focuses on the definitions of violence and harassment in the OHS Act, and requirements in Part 27 of the OHS Code.
UPDATED: March 25, 2025
Role and duties of Alberta OHS officers
Explains the role of Alberta OHS officers in monitoring compliance with occupational health and safety legislation. Includes an overview of inspection and investigation authorities, and enforcement tools.
UPDATED: December 2021
UPDATED: December 2021
Hazardous footwear
Explains requirements regarding employer-imposed footwear under the OHS Code.
UPDATED: July 2022
UPDATED: July 2022
Occupational health and safety and the internal responsibility system
Explains how the internal responsibility system works as the basis of Alberta's OHS legislation.
UPDATED: April 2022
UPDATED: April 2022
Report on compliance
Explains how employers complete a report on compliance, if an OHS officer has required them to do so.
UPDATED: February 2022
UPDATED: February 2022
Report on compliance form
Form for reporting on compliance. Refer to 'Report on compliance' bulletin for details.
UPDATED: February 2022
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UPDATED: February 2022
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Occupational health and safety and the non-profit sector
This resource provides information for non-profit organizations regarding their responsibilities under Alberta’s OHS legislation.
UPDATED: August 2022
UPDATED: August 2022
Participation in health and safety for small business owners and workers
***This resource is current to January 2023.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Introduces requirements for worker participation in health and safety that apply to small businesses (fewer than 20 workers).
UPDATED: January 2023
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Introduces requirements for worker participation in health and safety that apply to small businesses (fewer than 20 workers).
UPDATED: January 2023
Health and safety committees and representatives
***This resource is current to January 2023.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Information about Alberta workplace health and safety committee and representative requirements.
UPDATED: January 2023
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Information about Alberta workplace health and safety committee and representative requirements.
UPDATED: January 2023
Guideline for the Use of Contact Lenses in Industry
***This resource is current to August 2008.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses the pros and cons of wearing contact lenses in industry.
PUBLISHED: August 2008
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses the pros and cons of wearing contact lenses in industry.
PUBLISHED: August 2008
Notifiable occupational diseases
Reporting form and supporting information for physicians and other health care professionals to use for report notifiable diseases under Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act.
UPDATED: February 2022
UPDATED: February 2022
Let’s Back Up a Bit: Some Truths About Back Belts
Addresses health and safety concerns and refutes claims about the use of back belts.
PUBLISHED: August 2010
PUBLISHED: August 2010
Slips, Trips and Falls
Discusses slips, trips and falls, why they happen and how to prevent them.
UPDATED: April 2023
UPDATED: April 2023
Responsibilities of Certificate of Recognition Holders
This resource provides questions and answers on the responsibilities of Certificate of Recognition (COR) holders.
PUBLISHED: January 10, 2018
PUBLISHED: January 10, 2018
Respiratory Protective Equipment: An Employer’s Guide
***This resource is current to March 2020.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
This guide provides information on when to use RPE, what types of RPE there are and the steps to determine if RPE is necessary.
UPDATED: March 2020
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
This guide provides information on when to use RPE, what types of RPE there are and the steps to determine if RPE is necessary.
UPDATED: March 2020
Respiratory protective equipment: Code of practice development
***This resource is current to March 2020.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Guidelines on developing a code of practice (COP) describing the selection, maintenance and use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) be developed whenever respirators are used at the work site to meet legislated requirements.
UPDATED: March 2020
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Guidelines on developing a code of practice (COP) describing the selection, maintenance and use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) be developed whenever respirators are used at the work site to meet legislated requirements.
UPDATED: March 2020
Appropriate Workwear for Flash Fire and Explosion Hazards
***This resource is current to April 2006.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses elements to consider when purchasing fire retardent clothing.
PUBLISHED: April 2006
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses elements to consider when purchasing fire retardent clothing.
PUBLISHED: April 2006
Eye Protection at the Work Site
***This resource is current to June 2012.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses hazards that could cause eye damage and lists controls to protect the eyes.
PUBLISHED: June 2012
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses hazards that could cause eye damage and lists controls to protect the eyes.
PUBLISHED: June 2012
X-treme safety: Young worker's take charge card
This take-charge card folds in half to make a wallet-sized handy reference for young workers. Size 3.5" x 2".
UPDATED: November 2022
UPDATED: November 2022
Working? Know the rules
Poster reminding employees of key employment standards rules. Size 11" x 17".
PUBLISHED: March 2019
PUBLISHED: March 2019
Working? Know your rights
Poster reminding workers of their occupational health and safety rights. Size 11" x 17".
PUBLISHED: March 2019
PUBLISHED: March 2019
Working? Rights, rules, risks
Poster reminding workers to know their rights, the occupational health safety rules, and the hazards before starting work. Size 11" x 17".
PUBLISHED: March 2019
PUBLISHED: March 2019
Guidelines for the Handling of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Western Canada
***This resource is current to August 1995.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Guidelines for detection, classification, handling, transportation and waste management of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Developed by the Western Canadian NORM Committee.
PUBLISHED: August 1995
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Guidelines for detection, classification, handling, transportation and waste management of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Developed by the Western Canadian NORM Committee.
PUBLISHED: August 1995
Radon in the Workplace
***This resource is current to August 2015.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses the health effects of radon exposure, where radon may naturally occur, how to test for it and suggested controls.
PUBLISHED: August 2015
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses the health effects of radon exposure, where radon may naturally occur, how to test for it and suggested controls.
PUBLISHED: August 2015
Personal exposure monitoring for ionizing radiation (dosimetry)
Discusses personal radiation exposure monitoring using dosimeters and lists effective dose limits.
UPDATED: December 2021
UPDATED: December 2021
Working on ice: Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta
This resource is a guide to working safely on ice-covered bodies of water in Alberta.
UPDATED: December 2024
UPDATED: December 2024
Ice cover inspection (template)
A template to help assess if a floating ice surface is safe for work. The template is intended for use as described in the"Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta".
If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)
UPDATED: December 2024
If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)
UPDATED: December 2024
Ice cover profile (template)
A template for recording the details of ice covers, such as measurements, colour, and location. The template is intended for use as described in the "Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta". If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)
UPDATED: December 2024
UPDATED: December 2024
Safe Work Permits
***This resource is current to May 2007.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Explains how safe work permits can be used to protect workers and maintain safe working conditions. Provides examples and discusses pros and cons.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Explains how safe work permits can be used to protect workers and maintain safe working conditions. Provides examples and discusses pros and cons.
Working alone
***This resource is current to July 2022.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Explains the meaning of working alone as defined in Alberta's OHS Code, as well as the legislated requirements for employers of workers working alone.
UPDATED: July 2022
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Explains the meaning of working alone as defined in Alberta's OHS Code, as well as the legislated requirements for employers of workers working alone.
UPDATED: July 2022
Asbestos Project Notification form
Asbestos Project Notification form with instructions.
PUBLISHED: January 2019
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PUBLISHED: January 2019
If you're having trouble opening the PDF, try downloading and opening it in Acrobat Reader.
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Tips for parents of young workers: Your child at work
Tip sheet for parents of young workers.
UPDATED: November 2022
UPDATED: November 2022
Tips for employers: Employing young workers
Tip sheet for employing young workers.
UPDATED: November 2022
UPDATED: November 2022
X–treme safety: Young worker's guide to safety and employment rules
A handbook for young workers that includes information about occupational health and safety requirements, rights and responsibilities. Size 5.5" X 8.5 ".
UPDATED: February 2025
UPDATED: February 2025
Occupational health and safety guide for firefighting
***This resource is current to March 2019. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
This bulletin describes the minimum standards to which a fire service must comply under occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation.
PUBLISHED: March 2019
This bulletin describes the minimum standards to which a fire service must comply under occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation.
PUBLISHED: March 2019
You deserve to come home safe
***This resource is current to June 2018.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Poster describing violence prevention plan requirements that apply to retail fuel outlets and convenience stores. Size 11” x 17”.
PUBLISHED: June 2018
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Poster describing violence prevention plan requirements that apply to retail fuel outlets and convenience stores. Size 11” x 17”.
PUBLISHED: June 2018
Handbook of Occupational Hazards and Controls for Public Health Workers: Knowledge and Skills Assessment Verification Checklist
***This resource is current to January 2011.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Knowledge and Skills Assessment for Public Health Workers – Verification Checklist for Preceptors or Self-assessment.
PUBLISHED: January 2011.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Knowledge and Skills Assessment for Public Health Workers – Verification Checklist for Preceptors or Self-assessment.
PUBLISHED: January 2011.
Spray Application of Paint and Coatings
Hazards associated with spray application and suggested controls.
PUBLISHED: August 2010
PUBLISHED: August 2010
Benzene at the Work Site
***This resource is current to August 2010.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses the properties of benzene, health effects, health monitoring, preventative controls and recommended substitutes.
PUBLISHED: August, 2010
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Discusses the properties of benzene, health effects, health monitoring, preventative controls and recommended substitutes.
PUBLISHED: August, 2010
Understanding Indigenous Workers’ Occupational Health and Safety Needs: Tips for Employers
***This resource is current to August 2019.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
An overview of how employers can support the often unique OHS needs of Indigenous workers through awareness, education and training. Size 8.5" x 11", two-sided.
PUBLISHED: August 2019
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
An overview of how employers can support the often unique OHS needs of Indigenous workers through awareness, education and training. Size 8.5" x 11", two-sided.
PUBLISHED: August 2019
Understanding Indigenous Workers’ Occupational Health and Safety Needs: Tips for Indigenous training and employment organizations
***This resource is current to August 2019.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Addresses Indigenous worker OHS awareness opportunities and responsibilities for training and employment organizations. Size 8.5" x 11", two-sided.
PUBLISHED: August 2019
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Addresses Indigenous worker OHS awareness opportunities and responsibilities for training and employment organizations. Size 8.5" x 11", two-sided.
PUBLISHED: August 2019
Do you know how to refuse dangerous work?
Poster overview of a worker's right to refuse work that is a serious and immediate threat to health and safety. Introduces workers to key steps in the work refusal process. Size 11" x 17".
UPDATED: November 2024
UPDATED: November 2024
Stop harassment and violence in the workplace
***This resource is current to November 2024.
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
An awareness poster outlining what is meant by harassment and violence, and how to address situations involving harassment and violence in the workplace. Size 11" x 17".
UPDATED: November 2024
For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
An awareness poster outlining what is meant by harassment and violence, and how to address situations involving harassment and violence in the workplace. Size 11" x 17".
UPDATED: November 2024
Know Your Responsibilities as a Worker
This two-sided postcard gives an at-a-glance introduction to some worker, supervisor and employer health and safety responsibilities. Size 4" x 6".
UPDATED: January 2022
UPDATED: January 2022
Use Your Worker Rights
This two-sided postcard introduces the three worker rights enshrined in the OHS Act. Includes tips to help workers exercise these rights. Size 4" x 6".
UPDATED: January 2022
UPDATED: January 2022
Domestic violence in the workplace
This bulletin provides information about domestic violence as a workplace hazard.
UPDATED: December 2021
UPDATED: December 2021
Working in winter
This bulletin provides employers and workers with health and safety information about working in winter.
UPDATED: December 2021
UPDATED: December 2021
Right to refuse dangerous work
Explains the processes involved when a worker exercises their right to refuse dangerous work. Information for employers and workers.
UPDATED: December 2021
UPDATED: December 2021