Explains the legal requirement to establish and implement a health and safety program. Gives an overview of what a health and safety program can include.
Explains the role of Alberta OHS officers in monitoring compliance with occupational health and safety legislation. Includes an overview of inspection and investigation authorities, and enforcement tools.
Reporting form and supporting information for physicians and other health care professionals to use for report notifiable diseases under Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act.
***This resource is current to March 2020. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Guidelines on developing a code of practice (COP) describing the selection, maintenance and use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) be developed whenever respirators are used at the work site to meet legislated requirements.
***This resource is current to August 1995. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
Guidelines for detection, classification, handling, transportation and waste management of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). Developed by the Western Canadian NORM Committee.
A template to help assess if a floating ice surface is safe for work. The template is intended for use as described in the"Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta". If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)
A template for recording the details of ice covers, such as measurements, colour, and location. The template is intended for use as described in the "Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta". If you choose to use this template, make sure you customize it to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)
A handbook for young workers that includes information about occupational health and safety requirements, rights and responsibilities. Size 5.5" X 8.5 ".
An overview of how employers can support the often unique OHS needs of Indigenous workers through awareness, education and training. Size 8.5" x 11", two-sided.
Poster overview of a worker's right to refuse work that is a serious and immediate threat to health and safety. Introduces workers to key steps in the work refusal process. Size 11" x 17".
***This resource is current to November 2024. For information on the latest OHS requirements, visit OHS website.***
An awareness poster outlining what is meant by harassment and violence, and how to address situations involving harassment and violence in the workplace. Size 11" x 17".
This two-sided postcard introduces the three worker rights enshrined in the OHS Act. Includes tips to help workers exercise these rights. Size 4" x 6".