Il s’agit de versions Word des exemples de formulaires retrouvés dans le document PDF « Planification des interventions d’urgence : une boîte à outils sur la santé et la sécurité au travail ». Les employeurs peuvent personnaliser ces modèles en fonction de leur lieu de travail.
(ENGLISH TITLE: X–treme safety: Young worker's guide to safety and employment rules)
Un manuel destiné aux jeunes travailleurs qui comprend des renseignements sur les exigences, les droits et les responsabilités en matière de santé et de sécurité au travail.
Présente la législation en matière de santé et de sécurité au travail (SST) en mettant l’accent sur ce que les employeurs doivent faire pour se conformer à la loi.
(ENGLISH TITLE: Emergency response planning: an occupational health and safety tool kit)
Fournit aux employeurs des renseignements sur certaines exigences clés en matière de SST liées à la planification des interventions d’urgence. La trousse propose également une approche de planification étape par étape que les employeurs peuvent adapter à leur propre lieu de travail.
Grant recipients will receive a grant agreement template that will include the terms and conditions of the grant. This document is a sample grant agreement template for the Supporting Psychological Health in First Responders grant program.
Explica los procesos que deben seguirse cuando un trabajador ejerce su derecho a rechazar un trabajo peligroso. Información para empleadores y trabajadores.
Пояснює процеси, пов'язані з реалізацією працівником свого права на відмову від виконання небезпечної роботи. Інформація для роботодавців та працівників.
This bulletin describes the content requirements for occupational hygiene reports, and the competency requirements (including qualifications) needed to sign off on occupational hygiene work. For more information, please see "Occupational hygiene competency: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)”.
This bulletin explains how the term "owner" is used in Alberta's occupational health and safety laws. It also introduces some of an owner's key health and safety legal obligations.
This eLearning resource introduces Alberta’s workplace first aid requirements.
Note that this eLearning resource is for awareness only. It is not a training course and doesn’t test for competency or provide a completion certificate.
This pocket-sized handbook is a quick health and safety reference for Alberta workers. It introduces some key health and safety concepts, along with common workplace hazards, frequently used controls and quick tips that workers can use everyday. Size 4" x 5.5".
A guide for people who work on freshwater floating ice covers. It is based on the Government of Alberta’s “Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta”.
This zip package contains an ice cover inspection template and an ice cover profile template. Both are intended for use as described in the "Guide for building and working safely on ice covers in Alberta".If you choose to use these templates, make sure that you customize them to your work and work site. (Microsoft Word format.)